• The elders of the troupe are always harping on about rock 'n' roll being a bad influence. Needless to say, they never approve of me going to see Xinyan's shows. "It's for your own good," they say. Hmph, all it's really about is their inability to accept anything new. Whatever, those old fogies can't tell me what to do. I'm going to keep rocking out at Xinyan's gigs, every week, and that's that.

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The elders of the troupe are always harping on about rock 'n' roll being a bad influence. Needless to say, they never approve of me going to see Xinyan's shows. "It's for your own good," they say. Hmph, all it's really about is their inability to accept anything new. Whatever, those old fogies can't tell me what to do. I'm going to keep rocking out at Xinyan's gigs, every week, and that's that.
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2022/11/04 10:07:20
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